All animals
Results 51-60 of 205, sorted by relevance
Destruction or Disruption of the Natural Environment
SPCA advocates for an animal welfare impact assessment for any activity that may cause negative welfare impacts to wildlife, including damage to the environment itself, e.g., the pollution of land, air, or water.
Dew Claw Removal
SPCA advocates for the removal of any dew claws from dogs to be prohibited unless carried out by a veterinarian (or a veterinary student under the direct supervision of a veterinarian) for therapeutic reasons and adequate and appropriate medical care is provided prior to, during and after the operation, including anaesthesia and analgesia.
Dissection of Dead Animals
SPCA advocates for the use of humane alternatives to animals for classroom dissection.
Dog Parks
SPCA recommends that a dog’s suitability is assessed on a case-by-case basis, based on consideration of age, temperament, life history, and the safety and suitability of the location.
Dog Safety
SPCA advocates for evidence-based initiatives and legislation to reduce the risk of dog bites.
Doggy Daycares
SPCA advocates for doggy daycares to be independently inspected for compliance with welfare legislation.
SPCA advocates for the protection of dolphins and their ecosystems so they can live a Good Life, experience positive welfare and their physical, health, and behavioural needs are met.
Down Cows
SPCA supports the use of preventative management practices to reduce the likelihood of down cows.
Ear Cropping and Tipping
SPCA supports pinnectomy procedures only when conducted by a veterinarian, or a veterinary student under the direct supervision of a veterinarian, for therapeutic reasons and where adequate and appropriate medical care is provided prior to, during and after the operation, including anaesthesia and analgesia.
SPCA advocates for the humane slaughter of eels.