SPCA New Zealand
Animal Advocacy

Position Statements

All animals

Results 1-5 of 5, sorted by relevance

  • Animal Sentience
    SPCA recognises animals to be sentient beings. SPCA supports the inclusion of the word “sentience” in the Animal Welfare Act 1999 and advocates for animal sentience to be considered when minimum standards and regulations are developed.
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  • Animal Welfare Legislation and Standards
    SPCA advocates for the term ‘physical, health and behavioural needs’ in the Animal Welfare Act 1999 to be redefined. SPCA advocates for animal welfare standards to be clear and enforceable.
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  • Commissioner for Animals
    SPCA supports the call for an independent Commissioner for Animals to ensure effective oversight of the animal welfare system.
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  • One Welfare
    SPCA supports a ‘One Welfare’ approach which recognises the interconnectedness of animal welfare, human wellbeing, and the environment.
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  • The Five Domains
    SPCA advocates for the use of the ‘Five Domains’ model of animal welfare in science and legislation in preference to the ‘Five Freedoms’.
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