Entertainment, Sport and Work
Results 11-20 of 29, sorted by relevance
Game Birds
SPCA supports the keeping of game birds provided they have a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health, behavioural needs are met.
Greyhound Racing
SPCA advocates for the end of commercial greyhound racing in New Zealand, with a transition period to allow for rehoming of greyhounds currently in the industry.
Horses in Sport and Entertainment
SPCA advocates for the horse sport and entertainment industries to improve practices to provide horses with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and meet the physical, health, and behavioural needs of the horses for the whole of their life.
Live Animals as Prizes
SPCA opposes using live animals as prizes due to the potential negative impacts on the animal’s welfare.
Live Baiting
SPCA opposes the use of live animals as bait for the purpose of baiting, training, and fighting because of the negative welfare impacts on the bait animal.
Organised School and Community Events That Promote the Killing or Use of Dead Animals
SPCA advocates for children’s involvement in activities and experiences that help develop an understanding of and empathy for all animals.
Petting Zoos / Animal Encounters / Agriculture Days / A & P Shows
SPCA advocates for human-animal interactions that promote a Good Life where the animal experiences positive welfare and where the physical, health, and behavioural needs of the animals are met before, during, and after the event.
Pigeon Keeping and Racing
SPCA supports the keeping of pigeons, provided they have a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health, and behavioural needs are met.
Puppy and Kitten Yoga Classes
SPCA is concerned about the welfare of animals involved in puppy and kitten yoga classes and the increasing prevalence and lack of regulation of these classes.
Recreational Fishing
SPCA advocates that recreational fishers adopt appropriate fishing practices and gear that minimise the welfare harms to fish and aquatic invertebrates. SPCA advocates for the regulation of recreational fishing.