SPCA New Zealand
Advice & welfare - category

Positions - Entertainment, Sport and Work

Results 11-20 of 23, sorted by relevance

  • Horses in Sport and Entertainment
    ​SPCA advocates for the horse sport and entertainment industries to improve practices to provide horses with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and meet the physical, health, and behavioural needs of the horses for the whole of their life. SPCA supports the use of low-stress, force-free handling and training techniques for horses in sport and entertainment. SPCA supports housing of horses which allows them to meet their physical and behavioural needs.
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  • Live Baiting
    SPCA opposes the use of live animals as bait or a lure for the purpose of baiting and training because of the negative welfare impacts on the bait animal.
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  • Performing Animals
    SPCA advocates for human animal interactions that promote the physical, health, and behavioural needs of the animal before, during, and after the performance.
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  • Petting Zoos / Animal Encounters / Agriculture Days / A & P Shows
    SPCA advocates for human-animal interactions that promote a Good Life where the animal experiences positive welfare and where the physical, health, and behavioural needs of the animals are met before, during, and after the event.
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  • Recreational Fishing
    SPCA advocates that recreational fishers adopt appropriate fishing practices and gear that minimise the welfare harms to fish and aquatic invertebrates. SPCA advocates for the regulation of recreational fishing.
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  • Rodeos
    SPCA advocates for an end to the use of animals in rodeo events in New Zealand. While rodeo continues in New Zealand, SPCA advocates for those involved in rodeos to improve practices and to provide a Good Life where rodeo animals experience positive welfare and their physical, health, and behavioural needs are met for the whole of their lives.
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  • Recreational Hunting
    SPCA opposes the shooting of animals for sport or recreation where it is done solely as entertainment for people.

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  • Use of Animals in Films and Television
    SPCA advocates that animals may only participate in films, television, advertisements and theatre if a Good Life can be provided where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health, and behavioural needs are met before, during, and after the performance.
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  • Zoos and Aquariums
    SPCA advocates that animals must only be kept in zoological institutions if they are provided with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health, and behavioural needs are met.
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  • Animals in Law Enforcement
    ​SPCA supports the use of dogs and horses in police work only where they are provided with a Good Life with positive experiences and their physical, health, and behavioural needs are met throughout their life.
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