SPCA New Zealand

Walk-in Caturdays are here! From 25 January to 15 March, SPCA is offering walk-in cat and kitten adoptions on Saturdays. No appointment needed – just pop into your local Centre every Saturday during opening hours.

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Advice & welfare - category


Results 41-50 of 107, sorted by relevance

  • Keeping pets safe in summer
    Hot summer months can present some challenges for our animals. Here are our tips on helping your pet stay happy, healthy and cool during summer.
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  • What do Fish Want? Environmental Enrichment for Companion Fish
    When looking out for the welfare of our pets, there are two key questions we need to ask ourselves: Are they healthy? And do they have what they want? As (sadly) we are not able to communicate with animals verbally, we need to carefully observe and understand their body language.
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  • Are Fish the Right Companion Animals for You?
    Fish can be fascinating pets! They are intelligent, delightful and charismatic animals. However, they are not an “easy” pet to care for. There are some key factors to consider before choosing to take on the responsibility of a fish.
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  • How should I deter cats from entering my property
    If you are experiencing frequent unwanted visits from our four-legged friends, here are some tips to humanely discourage them from entering your property.
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  • Caring for fish
    While fish are amazing pets, they are also a serious commitment. Fish are living beings with needs, wants, and feelings - just like you and I. They require a lot of time, money, love, and understanding – they are not low maintenance pets. It is your responsibility to keep your fish safe, happy, and healthy.
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  • Caring for ducks
    While ducks can make great companions, they are also a serious commitment. Before you decide to care for ducks, it is important to consider whether you have the time, resources, and knowledge, as well as the right environment to care for your ducks properly.
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  • Caring for terrapins
    Terrapins, also known as sliders, include red-eared sliders, yellow-bellied sliders and Cumberland sliders. They are a species of freshwater turtle that can grow to approximately 25cm long and have a lifespan of around 30 years in captivity!
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  • Caring For Guinea Pigs
    Guinea pigs can be delightful and lovable pets. The decision to bring one into your home must be made carefully, as the average lifespan of a guinea pig is six to eight years, but they may live as long as 10 years. Your guinea pig will depend on you for food, water, an enriched environment, veterinary care and companionship.
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  • Keeping your pets safe during a flood
    During extreme weather scenarios such as flooding, it is vital for households to be prepared in the case of an emergency. Prepare to best care for your animals during these stressful times.
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  • Know the difference: companion, stray and feral cats
    The topic of cat management in New Zealand can be controversial and emotive. When discussing cat management, it is important to distinguish between feline categories, which hugely impact these discussions, and guide SPCA’s approach.
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