All animals
Results 11-20 of 205, sorted by relevance
Animals in the Wild (General)
SPCA advocates for the protection of wild animals to ensure they live a Good Life and experience positive welfare.
Animals Left in Vehicles
SPCA advocates for pet owners to leave their pet at home or in another suitable location on days with warm or very cold weather. Owners must never leave their animal in their vehicle in conditions where the animal may experience distress or harm as a result.
Animals Used to Train Other Animals
SPCA opposes the use of live animals to train other animals where there are negative welfare impacts on the training animal.
Antimicrobial Use for Companion Animals
SPCA advocates for responsible use of antimicrobials.
Aquatic Crustaceans Caught and Used for Food
SPCA advocates that wild, aquatic crustaceans, including crayfish, crabs, and lobsters, caught for food must be treated humanely at all times.
Artificial Insemination of Companion Animals
SPCA advocates for breeding practices that protect the welfare of breeding animals and offspring.
Avian Botulism
SPCA advocates for increased protection of wildlife at risk to welfare harms from avian botulism. Avian botulism is a naturally occurring disease cycle, however, human activity is also a contributing factor to the frequency and severity of outbreaks.
Backyard Chickens and Other Poultry
SPCA supports the keeping of backyard chickens and other poultry, provided they have a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health, and behavioural needs are met.
Beak Trimming
SPCA advocates for an end to the beak trimming of poultry.
Behavioural Assessment of Animals
SPCA advocates for rescue organisations to conduct a full and holistic assessment of behaviour prior to rehoming.