17 September 2020
"Ban live export" - letter to the PM
SAFE and SPCA Chief Executives co-author an open letter to the Prime Minister -
01 September 2020
Animals in classrooms: why children don’t need animals in classrooms to learn
Ask any child about dinosaurs, and most will reel off bundles of facts for you... -
27 September 2019
SPCA supports Countdown’s move to stop selling fireworks
30 May 2019
Protecting pets from second-hand smoke
As part of World Smokefree Day on 31 May, SPCA is calling for pet owners... -
24 April 2019
Animals as prizes
At Easter time, SPCA receives animal welfare complaints about animals, particularly rabbits, being given away... -
04 February 2019
New animal welfare regulations announced – what this means for SPCA
On 1 October 2018, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) released the new Animal Welfare...