Positions - Farmed Animals
Results 1-10 of 42, sorted by relevance
Consumption of Animal Products
SPCA aims to work collaboratively with industry and Government to achieve high welfare standards for farmed animals reared for food in New Zealand.
Preventative Health Care and Responsible Antimicrobial Use
SPCA supports the minimisation of disease risk through keeping animals in high welfare conditions that promote their immunity and by breeding farmed animals for natural immunity.
Beak Trimming
SPCA advocates for an end to the beak trimming of poultry.
Young Animals from the Dairy Industry
SPCA opposes the routine killing of young animals in the dairy industry.
Down Cows
SPCA supports the use of preventative management practices to reduce the likelihood of down cows.
Chickens Bred for Meat
SPCA advocates for the importation of slower-growing, more humane chicken breeds.
Farmed Crustaceans (Crab, Lobster and Crayfish)
SPCA supports farming systems that provide crustaceans with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health and behavioural needs are met.
Deer Velvet
SPCA opposes the amputation of velvet antler for commercial purposes.
Farmed Ducks and Geese
SPCA supports housing systems that provide ducks and geese with a Good Life where they experience positive welfare and their physical, health and behavioural needs are met. For ducks and geese, this includes access to water to satisfy their water-related needs.
Electric Prodders
SPCA advocates that the need for electric prodding devices can be eliminated with appropriate handling and husbandry techniques and improved equipment and facilities.