Lifestyle block animals
Results 11-20 of 22, sorted by relevance
Shade and shelter for farmed and lifestyle block animals
All animals should live in an appropriate environment, and one which reflects the five freedoms. The conditions and surroundings that an animal lives in, contributes to the animal’s overall well-being, both behavioural and physiologic
Caring for sheep
Before you decide to get sheep, it is important to consider whether you have the time, resources, and knowledge, as well as the right environment to care for your sheep properly.
The right environment for your sheep
All sheep should live in a suitable and comfortable environment, which provides for their needs including shade and shelter, comfortable lying areas and secure fencing to keep them safe and happy.
Feeding sheep the right diet
Sheep are grazers and eat plant matter usually in the form of pasture (e.g. grass, clover and other pasture plants).
Keeping your sheep healthy
It is important to check your flock daily for sheep with any injuries or ill health.
How to keep healthy and happy hens in your backyard
Chickens can be wonderful companions and are energetic, inquisitive, and friendly animals.
Providing a good environment for backyard chickens
In order to keep your chickens as happy and healthy as they deserve, they need a lot of dedicated care.
Keeping your backyard chickens healthy
Chickens can be wonderful companions and are energetic, inquisitive, and friendly animals.
What to feed your backyard chickens
To keep your chickens as happy and healthy as they deserve, they need a lot of dedicated care. There is a lot to consider before making the decision to start your own backyard flock.
The right environment for goats
Goats are highly intelligent, social animals and need an environment that stimulates them both physically and mentally.